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Transforming Questions

This Christian Formation course explores questions such as:

  • Can we question our faith?
  • Who is Jesus?
  • Does God answer prayer?
  • How do I read the Bible?
  • Why is there suffering?
  • How should we live?

The course is for anyone exploring Christian faith -- whether for the 1st or 50th time -- including adults preparing for baptism, confirmation or reception into the Anglican church and those wishing to reaffirm baptismal vows.  In eleven sessions, the class seeks to move deeper by engaging in some of faith's most basic questions.  Participants gather for prayer, join in small-group discussion and watch a short video presentation.  Through listening and sharing, we wrestle with these foundational questions in each other's company  As we do so, we  learn more about ourselves, one another, and the Jesus we are seeking.

All are welcome to drop-in for any session.

Links to videos and downloadable course materials are available on the Diocese of New Westminster website: Transforming Questions: A Christian Formation Course.


Photo by Ana Municio on Unsplash