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The Order of Service and Notices and the readings can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.


Holy Eucharist - 26th Sunday After Pentecost

Celebrant and Preacher:  The Reverend Liz Ruder-Celiz


First Reading1 Samuel 1: 4-20 

Canticle:  1 Samuel 2: 1-10 (Song of Hannah)  

Second ReadingHebrews 10: 11-14, 19-25

The Holy GospelMark 13: 1-8


Flowers: The flowers at the altar are donated by Deb Hamilton and family in memory of family members who have died in the last four years, including cousin David, Auntie Joan, Uncle David, Uncle John, Auntie Wendy, Auntie Dorothy, Baba Bev and Zaida Chuck, and Amethyst; and in celebration for the birth of babies Ness and Betty, Charley and Camryn, and baby Matilda. May God bless them all.

The flowers at the memorial organ, which were at the altar for last week's Remembrance Sunday service, were donated by Laura Glover, our Parish Administrator, in thanksgiving for the warm welcome she has received at St. Philip's.

Photo of Temple Mount in Jerusalem by Tim Wildsmith on Unsplash