On Sunday, February 9, St. Philip's presented a lively mashup of late '60's Beatles' hits, from "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" to "Let It Be." Massive sound was provided by a rock band, brass quintet, strings section, piano, combined choirs, and two soloists. Costumes were groovy to the max. And thanks to Michael Murray, all the big-hearted musicians and our happy donors, we raised almost $4,000 for the Organ Fund.
From babes in arms to seniors with canes, 175 hipsters rocked out in the pews, stood up to dance, and shared a celebration of sheer musical fun, ending with the singers dancing their way out down the aisle and back up the side.
"We really needed that!" one happy guest proclaimed at the end.
Indeed we did.
Photos: Morag Whitfield