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St. Philip's Flower Beds: Up for Adoption!

The Property Committee is pleading for help with the church gardens.  Noelle Baxter is a very passionate, but overworked and tired team of one.  She is hoping that individuals or families might consider "adopting a flower bed." A green thumb is NOT needed ... just a little time every week or two pulling weeds, gathering up dry leaves or blooms, and tidying up in your adopted bed.  This support would allow Noelle to spend her time pruning, deadheading and ensuring that our plants stay healthy and flourish. Ideally, we are are hoping the four or five families (or individuals) will volunteer to make this big job much, much smaller.  If you are able to help please speak to Noelle at coffee hour or send her an email: . THANK YOU for helping us to keep St. Philip's looking it's best!