Truth and Reconciliation...
There is an urgent need for reconciliation in this land with our Indigenous bothers and sisters. Now is the time to take action towards a new relationship. St Philip's wants to participate in the building of a new and reconciling relationship through learning, listening, and acting. As part of this commitment we are delighted to announce that Melaney Gleeson-Lyall, from the Musqueam First Nations, has agreed to come and facilitate us in the Kairos Blanket Exercise.
This powerful experiencial workshop will help us to more fully understand what Truth and Reconciliation means for our community and will help focus our thoughts on how we, as a community of faith, can fulfill our obligation to be a good neighbour to our indigenous brothers and sisters.
For more information, take a look at the video below or talk to Stuart...
The event will happen on Saturday 12th January 2019 between 10am and 1pm. Numbers for this event will be strictly limited to 40. So, please sign up on the list in the Gym or contact the parish office to reserve your place.
Where? Fireside Room, St Philip's Church
When? 10am - 1pm on 12th January 2019
Cost? A recommended donation of $10