Penfold's team of roofers has completed the main part of the project: replacing the roofs of the rectory, church and hall. The rectory has been reroofed in traditional asphalt shingles, while the church and hall are covered in handsome EcoRoof rubber shingles made of recycled tires guaranteed to last for decades longer.
On Wed June 3, Stuart Hallam gathered with Penfold's hard-working six-man crew to bless, honour and thank them for their fine work, long hours, and dedicated spirit. Afterwards, we shared pizza, beer and sodas in celebration of this large project coming to a successful completion. Jonathan Manca of Penfold's reports that this recognition was "much appreciated" and that "Rey and his crew were very appreciative and said we should do this more often on our other big projects".
Approximate Timing: By late July we will see the work completed and the final inspection's details finished: stucco repair, flashings, fascia wood replaced and painted, and new gutters and downspouts installed. Wet days delayed the stucco work. Late-July onwards: painting the new stucco, once it has cured.
We invite you to walk by St Philip's to admire this investment by generous donors to the Capital Campaign "Under Our Roof and Beyond Our Walls".
(photos by Debbie Matheson, Mike Wenzlaff, John Schretlen, Conrad Guelke, Adrian Walsh, and Randy Murray)