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The Beatles Sing-Along!

Come to St. Philip’s for our first-ever Beatles Sing-Along!

Backed by a Rock Band, a Brass Quintet, and a Chamber Ensemble (getting by with a little help from our friends), you’ll join the choir to belt out some fave Beatles songs including Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, Hey Jude, A Day in the Life, When I’m Sixty-Four and more!

Costumes are encouraged: think of the Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Band album (1967).

Admission is by donation to the St. Philip's Organ Fund ($25 - $30 suggested, cash or cheque). Hipsters 18 and under enter for free.

This event is part of year-long celebrations of St. Philip’s Centennial Year as we share our history, legacy and community connections with all our neighbours.

“We hope you will enjoy the show. Sit back and let the evening go!'

Photo by Neil Martin on Unsplash