Please note that the Centering Prayer group will not meet on Ash Wednesday, March 5th. The next session is March 12th.
Christian monastics and mystics through the ages have described and practised a contemplative relationship with God that takes place in a silence deeper than words. Today, Centering Prayer offers a method of prayer that opens us to the gift of contemplation.
An ongoing group meets on Wednesday evenings at St. Philip's 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. for a period of Centering Prayer, with some sharing and contemplative spiritual reading.
Centering Prayer Group meetings usually take place in the Sanctuary (enter from the door at the top of the outside stairs on the east side of the church hall).
The group welcomes new members. Prior experience with Centering Prayer is not necessary. If you would like to attend or for further information, please contact Mary Lymburner ( or 778-898-5117) or Gloria Sutcliffe ( or 604-809-4195).
Photo by Nick Owuor (astro.nic.portraits) on Unsplash