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Click here to view a recording of this service on the St. Philip's Anglican Church Facebook page. 

The Order of Service and Notices and the readings can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.  

Holy Eucharist - 19th Sunday After Pentecost

Celebrant and Preacher:  The Very Reverend Peter Elliott

Please join us at St. Philip's Anglican Church (3737 West 27th Avenue, one block west of Dunbar) for Holy Eucharist. 



First Reading:  Genesis 28:10-17

Psalm  103:19-22

Second Reading: Revelation 12:7-12  

The Holy GospelJohn 1:47-51


Flowers: The flowers at the altar are given to the Glory of God in celebration of dearest Dad and Poppa, Charlie Etchell, by his loving family. He and their cherished Mom, Peggy, now rest together in the Memorial Garden.

Image: Michael and All Angels. Michael and Other Angels (Spinello Aretino, c1408-10). National Gallery, London (NG1216)